Possibly one of the most inspiring cinematic interiors was #3 Beekman Place, the ever-changing apartment of Miss Mame Dennis. Beginning in 1928 when her nephew Patrick arrives to live with her following the untimely demise of his father, Mame reinvents her apartment regularly to suit her evolving lifestyle.
Patrick and his nanny, Nora are greeted upon their arrival by a hallway that Nora describes as looking like ‘the Ladies Room at the Oriental Theater’, which includes a sculpted dragon door that has smoke coming from its nostrils and eyes that move.
Patrick meets his eccentric aunt and some of her friends in the lavish apartment. The apartment is then transformed several times as the film progresses.

A modern design is incorporated to (successfully!) unsettle Patrick’s fiancé and her family.

Finally, a Far East style is used as Auntie Mame has discovered the charms of India, and hopes to teach Patrick’s son how to ‘Live, Live, Live!!’